Shadow hosts a massive and deep-rooted structure and is an excellent host for basement-hosted deposits. It is similar geologically to the Uranium City area, Eagle Point system, Arrow system and Key Lake
The structural system features include;
- A structure along the preferred geological fabric (i.e., following NE-SW orientations)
- Large enough to have undergone structural re-activation over hundreds of millions of years, such as the Virgin River Shear Zone (“VRSZ”), one of the most prominent structural corridors in northern Saskatchewan
- A deep-rooted system which allows for more fluid migration (uranium is highly mobile under the proper fluid conditions)
- Preferred NW-SE oriented structural traps and/or structural influence
- The correct location along a structural system; not where it pinches (too constricting), but rather where the rocks open up and dilate. Dilation = porosity, which increases fluid migration, and more fluids carrying uranium means more chances for uranium deposit formation